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Every month, we publish a dossier that showcases the research produced by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research as well as the global network of research institutes of which we are a part. The scope of the dossiers varies widely, from studying the conditions of the working class and peasantry around the world to analysing contemporary imperialist manoeuvres, building an archive of national liberation histories, and highlighting original field research and analyses produced by our team.
This dossier catalogues the immense cultural production of the Telangana armed struggle in India and how it inspired the people to participate in cycles of protest against colonialism, monarchy, and landlordism, building on the idea that art and culture are both produced by the class struggle and, in turn, produce the class struggle. In a society that was prevented from being fully literate, storytelling and songs played a key role in building confidence and organisation.
This dossier presents a broad overview of the Latin American far right’s political, economic, and cultural programmes and how the absence of a real left political project that secures better living conditions has thrown different fractions of the working class into the grip of neofascism.
This dossier explores the possibilities that the current crisis of global capitalism creates for sovereign regional development projects in Latin America and the Caribbean and the importance of South-South alliances in this struggle.
The DRC’s vast mineral wealth contrasts with its extreme poverty, caused by exploitation and conflict. The dossier emphasises sovereignty and dignity, echoing Congolese activists’ visions for freedom.
This dossier looks at how the US-led New Cold War against China is destabilising Northeast Asia, focusing on the Korean Peninsula, Taiwan Strait, and Japan.
This dossier focuses on the MST’s tactics and forms of organisation and why it is the only peasant social movement in Brazil’s history that has managed to survive for over a decade in the face of the political, economic, and military power of Brazil’s large landowners.
This dossier looks at the history and unfinished work of women’s liberation in the German Democratic Republic, such as its achievements, legacy, and the challenges it faced.
Our latest dossier explores how the People’s Science Movement is challenging the neoliberal approach to education and advancing critical, scientific learning in Karnataka, India.
Based on original research carried out with Global South Insights, dossier no. 72 analyses the tectonic changes taking place in the world and the new mood in the Global South.
This dossier focuses on the Medu Art Ensemble (1979-1985) and its role in organising cultural resistance in the struggle for liberation in South Africa and the region.
What are the challenges, limits, and contradictions facing Latin America’s new wave of progressive governments? How does this differ from the earlier wave that began with the election of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez twenty-five years ago?
To understand the unprecedented contraction of Pakistan’s economy, causing the poor to become significantly poorer, greater scrutiny of how IMF policies undermine economic independence is urgently needed.