They Are Making the Waters of the Pacific Dangerous
The US-led militarisation of the Pacific, aimed at China, is intensifying. The ongoing Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise features 25,000 military personnel from 29 countries.
It is hard to keep up with developments and crises in the world order, let alone develop a historical and critical perspective of them. Our red alerts, periodically embedded in our newsletters, provide a brief assessment of key developments and crises.
The US-led militarisation of the Pacific, aimed at China, is intensifying. The ongoing Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise features 25,000 military personnel from 29 countries.
Military coups in Niger and other Sahel countries represent broad, discarded sections of the population. Now, France and other Western countries are pushing for a military intervention in Niger, however, the people cry ‘La France, dégage!’ (‘France, get out!’).
The United States is calling for a military invasion of Haiti to repress a popular insurrection and maintain the neocolonial system. The world must oppose this intervention.
Red Alert no. 15 explains how recent floods have compounded underlying crises in Pakistan, which are product of the capitalist-driven economic and political crisis.
Red alert no. 14 looks at two instruments of US power in the Americas, the Organisation of American States and the Summit of the Americas.