Since the formation of the Alliance of Sahel States, the new confederation comprised of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger appears to show an initial anti-imperialist character.
Africa will not achieve universal energy access without a fundamental shift in its status in the global economy. Brian Kamanzi explores the current energy landscape.
Joanita Najjuko and Crystal Simeoni argue for greater inclusion of women and girls in macro-level economic decision-making and centring valuable yet unpaid care work in our economies to bring about feminist economic justice.
Efemia Chela delves into African LGBTQ+ histories, the colonial origins of repressive legislation, and solidarity opportunities between people of diverse genders and sexual orientations to fight against inequality experienced by all.
Professor Issa G. Shivji explores the process of worldwide capitalist accumulation across several centuries alongside the emergence of grand narratives of nationalism and Pan-Africanism.